I test 3 ecological products for you ! + toothpaste recipe


Oriculi is a wood bud from Japan (real name is Mimikaki). At the end of the rod there is a little spade with witch you can take out the earswax.  Each year , we produce millions of cotton budS that we use just one time but stay for many years in the ocean. This is one of waste we find the most in the sea.
Imagine, you use 3 cotton buds every week.
In 1 year you consume 162 cotton buds !
And if all the french people do the same as you , there will be about 17 billion cotton buds wasted .
Instead of you usinging Oriculi which is in wood, you can keep it all your life !  

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Hard shampoo

In our daily life, we use all the time shampoo in plastic tubes. That make a lot of useless waste and however, it exists an alternative : the hard shampoo. It’s like the hard soap for the hands but for the hair ! You rub the hair soap on your head, after there are a bit froam head and you rub again with your hands.This is a simple option without all nasty synthetic products !
At the beginning it was strange because, I haven’t the habits to do it but now, I can’t do without.

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Wood toothbrush

Each year, there are 4,7 billion toothbrushes that are thrown. And , this tiny thing takes about 100 at 1000 yeays to be degraded. If you use a wood toothbrush , it degrades easier and the way of producing is more natural. This is exacly the same sensation as a plastic toothbrush but the only thing that changes is the material.

If you want to know more:https://parismatch.be/actualites/environnement/90184/du-danger-des-brosses-a-dents-en-plastique-pour-notre-planete

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My Toothpaste recipe

For around 1 year, I have been making my own toothpaste regularly. I want to share you my recipe which take just some minutes and is really simple.
You need :
– 2 tablespoons of clay
– 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate
– water
– 2 drops of essential oil of perppermint
( you can put some clove if you have gum problem but , this isn’ t necessary )

You mix all the ingredients in this order and this is finished !

If you want a grand quantity of this natural toothpast, you can increase the doses .

Thanks for reading this article and act now !

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