Do you know this logo ?

We talked about it in class ! This sticker is useful for who people don’t want to have flyers.

Are you fed up with these flyers ?  So, you can put this sticker on your mailbox ! It is free in your cityhall. You can take one in my classroom too.

  • You could save yourself wasting time not throwing papers away.
  • You could reduce your paper waste at home by 31 kg a year !


I have used it for a few years now and I love it !


Today, there is a solution to reading advertising without creating waste.

There are two sites which propose digitizing the advertising.

And yes, today it’s possible to look at Internet promotions.

On these sites:  – 


They publish most of the catalogues used in advertising.

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Nom et adresse de l’établissement scolaire
CLG Nadaud
Nom du directeur de la publication
A. Patier
Nom du responsable de la rédaction
A. Patier
Nom et adresse du fournisseur d’hébergement
OVH 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix